Urban Artscape. - Projects


Urban Space as a Work of Art, where everyone is an Artist/Poet/Author. 2004-2011.

A research through art and artistic practices.


The City as a Collection of Poetry

Værløse Bymidte den. 3 sept. – 12 sept. 2004

Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling

Web catalogue for the public art work / poetry installation and its participation in ‘City Living – Living City | The 6th European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners’ in the biennials ‘Street Creativity Exhibition’, where it participated as one of 30 examples of street  creativity in Europe.


[Selected publications about the work]

Jan Hatt-Olsen. Byen som en digtsamling. i Forfatteren September no. 4 – 2006. s. 12.

(Forfatteren is the journal of the Danish Writers Union)


Jan Hatt-Olsen, Annemette Andersen-Hoppe Levende digtsamling i byen. 15 Cases om kunstnere og virksomheder – mennesket i innovations & oplevelsesøkonomien.  s. 25. Artlab, København 2007. s 25

(poet/artist Jan Hatt-Olsen and cultural advisor in Furesø Municipality Annemette Andersen-Hoppe are interview about ’Værløse Bymidte d. 3. sept – 12 sept. 2004 | Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling’ and its implications in relation to the municipality and its citizens as a whole and the downtown area of Værløse)


Jan Hatt-Olsen. The City as an Expression of Poetry. In Western Humanities Review. Fall 2007: Western Humanities Alliance Special Issue: What is a City, pp. 88-100, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 2007. Wayne McCready, Susan Bennett (guest eds.) PJ Carlisle (managing editor of WHR). pp. 88-100

(The article is a presentation of the poetry-installation / public artwork ’Værløse Bymidte d. 3. sept – 12 sept. 2004 | Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling’ and its concept and implications in relation to the city, to the concept of the book and poetry. Western Humanities Review is published tri-annually by University of Utah. Western Humanities Review Volume 61 number 3 is made in collaboration with Western Humanities Alliance and University of Calgary. It consists of selected papers from Western Humanities Alliance 25’Th annual conference ’What is a City’ hosted by University of Calgary 2006.  The institutional members of the Western Humanities Alliance are: Arizona State University – University of California, Riverside – Claremont Graduate University – University of California, San Diego – Reed College – University of California, Santa Barbara – Stanford University – University of California, Santa Cruz – University of Arizona – University of Colorado, Boulder – University of Nevada, Las Vegas – University of California, Berkeley – University of Oregon – University of California, Davis – University of Southern California – University of California, Irvine – University of Utah – University of California, Los Angeles – University of Washington – Utah State University – University of British Columbia – University of Calgary – Simon Fraser University)


Nicoletta Isar. Vision and Performance. A Hierotopic Approach to Contemporary Art. In Alexei  Lidov (ed)  Hierotopy. Comparative Studies of Sacred Spaces. Indrik Moscow 2009. pp. 328-362.

(Nicoletta Isar is PhD, Associated Professor in Art History at University of Copenhagen. In this chapter she writes about experimental theatre (Antero Alli, Jerzy Grotowski), body art (Marina Abramovic), performance (Bill Viola), and urban space and street art (Jan Hatt-Olsen), in this part of the chapter Nicoletta Isar is writing about Værløse Bymidte d. 3. sept – 12 sept. 2004 | Lyrik-installation / Bog / Digtsamling’) http://hierotopy.ru/contents/ComparativeStudySacredSpaces_17_Isar_ContemporaryArt_2008_Eng.pdf


Gitte Marling, Hans Kiib, Ole B. Jensen. Experience City. DK, Aalborg University Press, Aalborg 2009.

(Gitte Marling, Architect Ph.d., Professor at Institute for Architecture and Design at Aalborg University. Hans Kiib, Architect  Ph.d., Professor at Institute for Architecture and Design at Aalborg University, Ole B. Jensen, Sociologist Ph.d., Professor at Institute for Architecture and Design at Aalborg University. The book is in Danish, 356 pages and is the result of the research project Experience City – hybride kulturprojekter og performative byrum (Experience City – hybrid culture projects and performative urban spaces)’ Værløse Bymidte as a Collection of Poetry is described and analyzed pp. 30-31, with photos from the poetry-installation p. 32, in the section performative byrum (performative urban spaces) in chapter 2 ‘Danske byer satser kultur projekter, events & byrum.’ (Culture projects, events & urban spaces get a central role in Danish cities)


Jan Hatt-Olsen. Urban Space as a Collection of Poetry. In Gavin Goodwin and Liam Murray Bell (eds) Writing Urban Space (Zer0 books, Winchester 2011) forthcoming

The origin of the book project was a conference at University of Surrey, English Department, Creative Writing in April 2010. Writing Urban Space, arranged by Gavin Goodwin and Liam Murray Bell . They contacted after the conference Zer0 books www.zero-books.net , which were interested in making a book over the subject.  Selected papers from the conference, were expanded and re-written to be articles in the book. The editorial process is completed. The book is expected to be published in the fall 2011.



Jan Hatt-Olsen The City as a Collection of Poetry

(The version of this article published in Western Humanities Review has the title ‘The City as an Expression of Poetry’ and can only be acquired through the volume of WHR or in a scanned version online through Encyclopædia Britannica www.britannica.com )


The Cinescape Street Creativity Charter

(2005, a charter for street creativity in Europe presented at ’City Living – Living City | the 6’Th European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners’)


Urban Artscape Mobile Unit - Sydhavnen


The Municipality as a Work of Art | Urban Artscape - Furesø

(Presentation by poet/artist Jan Hatt-Olsen at the international Metropolis Seminar – Biennale 2007 ‘The City as a Stage and the Stage as a City’. The seminar was the opening of the Metropolis project, 2007 – 2017 )


Urban Artscape participates in Metropolis Laboratory 2007 by creating a workshop ’Urban Space as an Artwork’ and by making an installation/intervention ´Urban Alchemist in the Night’


[Selected publications about the work]

For a re-enchanted urban space. (Juul and Urban Artscape) in Changing Metropolis, Via Design Copenhagen 2008. pp. 108-115)

(pp. 114-115 are written by Jan Hatt-Olsen and Ásta Olga Magnúsdottir about their intervention Urban Alchemist in the Night)


Urban Artscape bidrag til AirPlay’s ’Mellem Byen’

( 2007. Udstillingen er en del af Metropolis Biennalen)  Som en del af udstillingen er der udgivet en Manual, hvor AirPlay skriver om de udstillede værker by installation og by interventioner se  http://mellembyen.wordpress.com og derudover spurgt, Kunstner-aktører: Raca, Udflugt, Illumenart, Ditte Maria Bjerg (Camp X), A-kassen (Christian Bretton-Meyer), Jan Danebod, Parfyme, Urban ArtScape (Jan Hatt-Olsen, Ásta Olga Magnúsdóttir), Thierry Colonel, Kenneth Balfelt. Arkitekter/socialt-urbane aktører: Entasis, Mutopia, Bosch & fjord, Urban Task Force om at svare på to-tre af disse spørgsmål (efter eget valg) … og komme med i den 32-sider brugermanual, som giver en upretentiøs og forståelig indføring i Mellem Byen og kunst generelt i byens rum.


Spørgsmålene er:


Ásta og Jeg i Urban Artscape valgte at svare på de to første af spørgsmålene.


Svaret kan læses i brugermanualen til ’Mellem Byen’.


Urban Wiki  | Wiki Light 2007 – 2012. An exploration into an augmented urban space, where everyone is a co-author.  This exploration takes place, through new media – public artworks, which are both on the internet and in physical urban spaces, in workshops, conferences and publications. This takes place inside the broader framework of urban space as a work, where everyone is an artist/poet/author.


The exploration consist of



Urban ArtscapeFuresø 2007-2008 new media – public artwork (Furesø Municipality, Greater Copenhagen area, Denmark). Artscape Vollsmose 2008 new media – public artwork (Odense, Denmark). Urban Wiki | Possibilities and Limitations (Metropolis Laboratory 2008, Copenhagen)



Jan Hatt-Olsen (2008). Urban ArtscapeFuresø in Mediacity – Situations, Practices and Encounters (Frank & Timme, Berlin 2008). Frank Eckardt, Jens Geelhaar, Laura Colini, Katharine S. Willis, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, Ralf Hennig (eds.) pp. 263 – 283 (The book is a publication from the Mediacity Project www.mediacityproject.com  , Bauhaus-University in Weimar)

Jan Hatt-Olsen (2009). Urban Spaces as a Work of Art | Imaginary Realism. In Hans Kiib (Ed). Architecture and Stages of the Experience City  pp. 313 - 321. ( Institute for architecture and media technology,  Aalborg University, Aalborg 2009 )


To read the final version of the articles is necessary to acquire the mentioned books.

The articles can be downloaded in last draft version from this website..


Jan Hatt-Olsen.(2008) Urban ArtscapeFuresø

Jan Hatt-Olsen (2009).  Urban Spaces as a Work of Art | Imaginary Realism  .  


Urban Artscape Furesø

Urban ArtscapeFuresø: English Version


Artscape Vollsmose | WikiVollsmose


Urban Wiki | Possibilities and Limitations     Cross Borders – Create Place

Metropolis Laboratory 2008



Urban Wiki | Wiki Light India 2012


Urban Wiki | Wiki Light exhibited at Techfest 2012, IIT Bombay

Urban Wiki | Wiki Light exhibited at Techkriti 2012, IIT Kanpur


Photos by cross media poet – artist Jan Hatt-Olsen



2012, Presenting a paper at ‘World Wide (Urban) Wiki | Bookscapes in Metapolis’ at the conference ‘The Media of the Metapolis’ at Bauhaus

University, Weimar


Urban Wiki | Wiki Light Denmark – India 2013

Urban Wiki | Wiki Light exhibited at LiteraturHaus 16 March 2013

Urban Wiki | Wiki Light exhibited at Vyom 2013 at PEC Chandigarh 15- 17 March 2013, look at Exhibitions and Megashows


Article in Indian and Danes Co Create Now www.indiadenmark.in and photos by cross media poet – artist Jan Hatt-Olsen


Bookscapes -- Imagination the imaginative --- writing reading urban space – alone, together with others - people you know, strangers or just people passing by in the city.


Create urban space, metropolis, metapolis as urban imaginary realism. Use Imagination to sense and express space. The imaginative can be both heavier and lighter than stone. Much more expensive and much cheaper, more open, more closed – nature will eventually brake through stone – can some kind of imagination be such a dense matter that nothing can pass through it. I hope not. But stones, trees, water, wind, heath, cool, light, sound, smell, the sun the shadows are beautiful too. They are co-writing and co-reading  urban space in flux our imaginary space our imaginations, porous, soft and fuzzy.


Of course do nothing William Blake wouldn’t have done. Invent your own system


2012. Urban Space as a Collection of Poetry. In Writing Urban Space, (eds.) Gavin Goodwin and Liam Murray Bell pp. 99-106 (Winchester, Zer0 books) www.zero-books.net    Publication date July 27